Saturday 11 October 2014

Designing the Z-95 Headhunter continued...

In my last blog post I explained how I created the base, wings and laser cannon.

Today I worked on creating the engines and manipulating the base of the ship to create a cockpit.

The Engines

My engine consisted of multiple pipes overlapping each other. Although I found this used more polygons than just using one pipe and using the edge loop tool to manipulate the shape of the pipe , I found this did not look as accurate as using multiple pipes. The amount of extra polygons was also not too expensive than using the edge loop tool.

Creating the main pipe
Creating more pipes
The front of the engine
 For the front of the engine, I used the scale tool to widen a cube. I then sub divided width by 7. I then selected the top middle face and used the move tool to increase its height.

To create the curved pipe as you can see in the second screenshot of the engine, I created a pipe as normal and then selected the front faces and used the scale tool so it became progressively smaller.

I then extruded the faces on the opposite side.

With the engine finished, I proceeded to copy and paste the engine into three other locations.

Engine now completed

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