Friday 5 December 2014

SWOT Analysis

I have developed a SWOT Analysis to demonstrate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the experience of creating my animation.
30 Second Limit – Due to the animation only needing to be 30 seconds, I can focus on the quality of the 30 seconds rather than worrying about quantity (length).

Models Already Created – Due to the models already being created from the first assignment, I do not have to worry about creating any more star wars ships.

Experience in 2D Animation – I have experience with 2D animation in Flash and this gives me a very basic idea of how animating works.

Working from home and university – Since Maya is accessible at home and at university, this means I will often be in an environment where I can use Maya to work on the animation.
30 Second Limit – Although this is mentioned as a strength, it is also a weakness since my story is only limited to 30 seconds. This will effect the quality of the storyline.

No Experience with 3D Animation – This is going to be my first time doing 3D Animation and therefore I will be learning at the same time.

More Models – Although I already have star wars models, I will need to create additional models for my animation. This will take up some production time.

Other concerns – Due to working on another module, I will not have as much time as I wanted to work on the animation.

Learning – Animating in Maya will help me in the future when in the process of creating a game. As well as making my own content using Maya, I will also be able to easily communicate with experienced Maya users due to having experience using the program. 
Time Constraint – I only have six weeks to create my animation. With the pressure of a deadline, this gives me less time to create additions to the animation which may have improved its quality.

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